My Computer's Severe and Kind Cerberus

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Every day it gets more and more difficult to keep our computers virus free. Computer hackers work hard to create sophisticated virus programs capable of breaking very secure systems. Anti virus protection programs have to be super powerful to handle modern computer security threats. I found such a program. Kaspersky Lab offers the best security solution for home and business systems.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 protects the computers from security threats, including viruses, spyware, hackers, phishing, spam and network fraud. One of my computers was attacked more than 400 times and it's still kicking and very alive! I stopped counting how many times I tried to download information and Kaspersky did not let me infect my computer. I feel very secure while I am using Kaspersky protection software. My computer is virus free and my files will not be destroyed.
All internet users are at risk of virus infection, and will be threatened by some form of malware many times each year. By clicking on a link on an unknown website, playing a video sent by a friend via email, or downloading a game, a user can invite a virus into their computer system. For a business, a virus infection can mean loss of customers and loss of productivity due to downtime.
Not all viruses are created equal: some viruses are just irritations; others create complicated problems and can destroy computers if not taken seriously. You need to protect yourself, your family, your customers, and your company from identity theft. If you procrastinate or simply disregard the problem you might suffer devastating financial loss.
There is one feature that I constantly use: on-screen virtual keyboard. It makes entering data completely secure. This feature is very useful for entering login details for online banks and other financial institutions. It's an extra layer of protection!
One of the features checks every application the user wants to install. Safe programs run with no problems. Not safe programs will nor be allowed to be installed on a computer. This is a rather innovative feature in internet security that let's users prevent new viruses entering their systems. Kaspersky delivers up-to-the-second threat intelligence to determine security privileges for every application you launch.
There is a new feature for Internet Explorer and Firefox users - Kaspersky URL Advisor. It adds an icon to the dangerous links and points them out. It is up to you to make the decision to use it or not. Kaspersky Labs utilizes artificial intelligence and won awards. Kaspersky software provides protection for PCs, MACs, netbooks and mobile phones. It is Windows 7 compliant.
Alla Goltsman is a computer consultant involved in software development, technical writing and operations of mid-frame companies that use IBM iSeries computers. She is a webmaster atComputer Secrets Busted.
Visit her blog for computer tips and further information about software for your computer, electronics, gadgets, home based business and answers to many computer questions. Alla also writes about blogging and blog monetization. Follow Alla on Twitter